Saturday 20 February 2016

Why we need to make the biggest decision in our history and vote out to save the relevance of the United Kingdom.

On June 23rd we have a chance to completely reshape our country; we can take the chance to bring back unprecedented relevance to the United Kingdom. Those who care passionately about the UK and what it stands for should be prepared to vote to leave the European Union. The main reason for this is simple, to save our country; the United Kingdom and more importantly to bring back a sense of relevance to why the UK even exists. 

While we are in the European Union within the current concept which our politicians keep portraying to us, that we are a union of nations within the UK. A union of nations within the British Isles, which is coined into a much larger union of nations- the European Union.  These two concepts of union go hand in hand- only one has benefit to the Scottish separatist cause and that is the wider European Union of nations. The EU allows small nations to exist with ease, it allows separatism in Europe to thrive; it brings separatists dreams into reality- that any small nation can survive easily within the European Union.

The United Kingdom prior to the formation of the EU, had purpose. It was a real form of union and unity, an actual union of nations that had a cause and a reason to exist for all within the United Kingdom. It was a country and its purpose was all too clear. We share the same British values, economic and military strength that gives us all within the United Kingdom clear benefits. Though, as the decades went on and the European Union emerged, the cause and reason of the United Kingdom and existence slowly diminished.

Those in Scotland are asking themselves why they are in this British union of nations, when they can join the European Union of nations- which if polls are correct; they are more in favour of. The EU in its current form has eroded the British identity and reason for its existence; it does nothing for unionism and everything to help the cause of separation. To bring back relevance to the UK as a country and a form of real political and economic union, we need to vote to leave the European Union. In doing so, we can create a real union of nations within the British Isles, a union of nations with a clear agenda to uphold the British identity; it will cement the future of the United Kingdom for centuries.

For as long as we are tied within a European Union of nations, within a British union of nations- one loses relevance and it isn’t the European Union. The SNP are clearly in favour of the EU; for reasons clear- that without the European concept of union, the dream of Scottish separation dies. We have a chance to revert and destroy Scottish secession stone dead and that is by withdrawing the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union. We have the only chance in a generation to save the United Kingdom; it will be in the form of leaving the EU and bringing the reason to why the UK exists back into the light. If we do not take this chance and vote to leave the EU, then sadly the UK and its reason to stay unified within two layers of international and domestic union becomes irrelevant- the UK as a unified nation state will not win against the European Union.

Scotland has gone from devolution to independence lite in under 20 years since the creation of the Scottish Parliament, in the next 30 years; it will be a guarantee that Scotland will emerge with some form of devolution max. If this isn’t the case, the UK itself will go inwards into a federal structure, ceasing even more the relevance of the nation state- the United Kingdom.

 The European Union does not offer a reason to why our current domestically named British “union of nations” exists; nobody in the UK has a good answer and reason to why the UK is a progressive force for the future. The SNP and all of the opposition parties see the future as a form of decentralising from Westminster into the centralised Scottish Parliament- a parliament waiting to be unleashed into the European Union. The Scottish Parliament was fundamentally  built to withdraw from the United Kingdom, it has EU law enriched within the original Scotland Act, cementing the fact that one day, devolution; a European purpose, is there to dismantle the United Kingdom and not there to strengthen it.

There has never been a better time in our history to remove the ball and chain of the European Union; it does nothing for the UK in financial terms- it does nothing for the UK in positive constitutional terms. If we want to save our country, then we have to vote leave on the 23rd of June for the sake of the United Kingdom.