Saturday 20 February 2016

Why we need to make the biggest decision in our history and vote out to save the relevance of the United Kingdom.

On June 23rd we have a chance to completely reshape our country; we can take the chance to bring back unprecedented relevance to the United Kingdom. Those who care passionately about the UK and what it stands for should be prepared to vote to leave the European Union. The main reason for this is simple, to save our country; the United Kingdom and more importantly to bring back a sense of relevance to why the UK even exists. 

While we are in the European Union within the current concept which our politicians keep portraying to us, that we are a union of nations within the UK. A union of nations within the British Isles, which is coined into a much larger union of nations- the European Union.  These two concepts of union go hand in hand- only one has benefit to the Scottish separatist cause and that is the wider European Union of nations. The EU allows small nations to exist with ease, it allows separatism in Europe to thrive; it brings separatists dreams into reality- that any small nation can survive easily within the European Union.

The United Kingdom prior to the formation of the EU, had purpose. It was a real form of union and unity, an actual union of nations that had a cause and a reason to exist for all within the United Kingdom. It was a country and its purpose was all too clear. We share the same British values, economic and military strength that gives us all within the United Kingdom clear benefits. Though, as the decades went on and the European Union emerged, the cause and reason of the United Kingdom and existence slowly diminished.

Those in Scotland are asking themselves why they are in this British union of nations, when they can join the European Union of nations- which if polls are correct; they are more in favour of. The EU in its current form has eroded the British identity and reason for its existence; it does nothing for unionism and everything to help the cause of separation. To bring back relevance to the UK as a country and a form of real political and economic union, we need to vote to leave the European Union. In doing so, we can create a real union of nations within the British Isles, a union of nations with a clear agenda to uphold the British identity; it will cement the future of the United Kingdom for centuries.

For as long as we are tied within a European Union of nations, within a British union of nations- one loses relevance and it isn’t the European Union. The SNP are clearly in favour of the EU; for reasons clear- that without the European concept of union, the dream of Scottish separation dies. We have a chance to revert and destroy Scottish secession stone dead and that is by withdrawing the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union. We have the only chance in a generation to save the United Kingdom; it will be in the form of leaving the EU and bringing the reason to why the UK exists back into the light. If we do not take this chance and vote to leave the EU, then sadly the UK and its reason to stay unified within two layers of international and domestic union becomes irrelevant- the UK as a unified nation state will not win against the European Union.

Scotland has gone from devolution to independence lite in under 20 years since the creation of the Scottish Parliament, in the next 30 years; it will be a guarantee that Scotland will emerge with some form of devolution max. If this isn’t the case, the UK itself will go inwards into a federal structure, ceasing even more the relevance of the nation state- the United Kingdom.

 The European Union does not offer a reason to why our current domestically named British “union of nations” exists; nobody in the UK has a good answer and reason to why the UK is a progressive force for the future. The SNP and all of the opposition parties see the future as a form of decentralising from Westminster into the centralised Scottish Parliament- a parliament waiting to be unleashed into the European Union. The Scottish Parliament was fundamentally  built to withdraw from the United Kingdom, it has EU law enriched within the original Scotland Act, cementing the fact that one day, devolution; a European purpose, is there to dismantle the United Kingdom and not there to strengthen it.

There has never been a better time in our history to remove the ball and chain of the European Union; it does nothing for the UK in financial terms- it does nothing for the UK in positive constitutional terms. If we want to save our country, then we have to vote leave on the 23rd of June for the sake of the United Kingdom.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

The end of the UK, has consequences for us all (even the English)

The idea that Scottish separation would be "business as usual" for the rest of the UK is just nonsense; it is the start of something much bleaker. 

The rest of the United Kingdom, or “r-UK”, as it now commonly being termed as; has as much to lose out of a possible vote for separation as Scotland. There are many people within England- mainly in the south who are oblivious to the consequences of separation, and what that would truly mean for the remainder of the United Kingdom; especially on the international stage.

I understand why many in England may think that if Scotland left, then it would be more or less business as usual; yet it wouldn't be. The United Kingdom would lose 10% of its population and a considerable amount of its landmass overnight- a laughingstock to our foes, known only as a pathetic weak rump state; with a government that couldn't tame a separatist movement.

The breakup of the United Kingdom may not even end at Scotland- but could overtime lead to the entire British Isles being plunged back into the dark ages. The rise of separatist identities, along with the bitter taste of Scottish independence; could well lead to the English asking why they should continue to subsidise Wales and Northern Ireland; what do they get out of this new rump disunited kingdom?

This inner constitutional debate within the new rump state would be a hot political topic- the question of identity would certainly be at the forefront of politics in the r-UK. What does this new state identify with? A British identity; only associated with a former unified Britain, or does it slowly start to accept a more separatist tune; something that can only possibly lead to a more divided Britain- that pushes Wales and Northern Ireland away, and accepting that the once United Kingdom, is simply no more.

This idea that Scottish separation has no consequences for the rest of the UK is of course complete nonsense. Nationalism and separatism is a virus, once it has achieved to divide Scotland; it will then latch onto England- putting greed and identity at the heart of this new separatist movement. This would be at the fault of the Scots; who would have so blindly and naively voted for separation- yet not realising that this vote didn't just mark the start of Scottish secession, but Welsh and English too- kick-starting the balkanisation of the British Isles, with serious knock-on consequences for us all.

This unstable situation and weakening of the former United Kingdom would have global powers in uproar. The UK has a duty as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to uphold peace and security- while at the same time our peace and security would be compromised by a nationalist government in Edinburgh. Threatening to remove UK nuclear deterrent from what would have been British waters- this instability and uncertainty would raise serious questions over the UK’s permanent seat- especially at a time when the growing force of India is quietly waiting to replace the UK as the 5th permanent member.

The decline of the UK would certainly pave way for the rebalancing of Western dominance over international affairs. India being used as a perfect example- advocating that it would be perfectly legitimate for the r-UK to step-down as a permanent member, it has diminished in size and in strength- it has a balkanising situation taking place with the Scottish government pressing for the disarmament of UK nuclear weapons from its waters. There is also the matter of a new separatist crisis; the rise of English separatism, leading to the slow and painful split of what is left of the former UK. This is not a member worthy of a permanent seat; it is a member in crisis- and would inevitably lead to the end of British dominance on the world stage.

A “Yes” in September doesn't just end at Scotland- it has profound consequences for us all within the UK and most definitely around the world. It would weaken our influence on the global stage; it would lead to the inevitable end of the r-UK rump state- and would put the British Isles back into a divided time- with no way back to what was once a remarkable feat in history.

How do you explain to future generations of children around the British Isles- that there was a point in time when these nations were united, that we had powerful influence over global affairs and that we worked together to achieve much more- to only to submit to nationalism and separatism- an inward thinking ideology that promotes hate and division. We shouldn't, that is why all of us within the UK need to realise the importance of this vote, and the consequences it holds not only for Scotland but also for the rest of the UK and the world.

Friday 13 June 2014

Scottish Nationalism, an Infantile disease

Scottish nationalism has become more or less accepted within Scottish politics, but it is much more sinister than we're led to believe.

Nationalism was said to be an “infantile disease” by Albert Einstein, and those words have never been more distinguished now in Scotland- than at any other time, especially after more than 7 years of nationalist leadership within the Scottish Parliament.

There is an argument within the nationalist community; that what is representative in Scotland is a more “civic nationalism”, nonetheless this ideology has flag waving and identity at its core, yet it doesn't seem to end in flag waving and national pride.

The nationalism that is put forward by Alex Salmond and his government, and what is seen on our TV screens is certainly portrayed as “civilised”- but this has taken decades of work by SNP propagandist machines to move from the vile and bitter anti-English based nationalism, to what we have now; which is nothing but a cloak to cover the reality of what nationalism really is; in modern day Scotland.

Facebook and Twitter are the places where true nationalism within Scotland is shown- where nationalists put up their feet, take off their kilts, and unleash the true bitterness of what Scottish nationalism really represents. The nationalism we have in Scotland is the same nationalism of what has been reminiscence of every nation that has ever been gripped by this horrid, filthy and utterly shameful plague.

It won’t take you long before you get a taste of the real Scottish nationalism; the anti-Englishness hatred that is put across on social media platforms- many people say these individuals are “cybernats”; these people are sadly mistaken, they are simply “Scottish nationalists” venting their true sentiment, and allowing us all to realise that “civic nationalism” does not exist in Scotland.

This was never more evident than just a few days ago when JK Rowling raised perfectly legitimate concerns over separation, and was then targeted by a number of what seemed like the SNP’s very own “brownshirts”. This isn’t anything new, it has happened to every business, celebrity, public figure and more concerning, an ordinary mum from Glasgow, who all opposed the idea of breaking up Britain- to only receive death threats and vile abuse from these nationalists.

If you want proof that these nationalists are in their masses, then look no further than any Scottish orientated political article on the web- where at least one will be sticking up for their beloved SNP government and Alex Salmond, making sure nobody says anything out of SNP and pro separation tune.

This idea that people feel so emotionally connected to a specific leader, government and identity, is foreign to many outwith Scotland. In the nationalists’ eyes, the SNP government and Alex Salmond can do no wrong; because they have what the other Scottish political parties don’t have- a one issue reason to exist, a dream based on assertions and a unifying hatred against the United Kingdom.

The referendum will be over in less than 100 days; in which we could finally see the start of a more civilised political agenda in Scotland- with parties that actually put the fabric of society at the heart of their existence and not geopolitics. How the SNP can claim Scotland as “progressive”, while they quietly support their followers to attack individuals who oppose their views, is utterly disgraceful.

Those within the SNP, joined the SNP to end the United Kingdom- their nationalist followers have given their complete loyalty to our dear First Minister; this is what is terrifying, and I hope that on September 19th the hate from these nationalists ends- if not, we could be faced within an even bleaker prospect that this doesn't end, and the politics of Scotland will forever continue to be plagued by this infantile disease. 

Thursday 12 June 2014

A settlement that should be based on devolution, not identity

The current settlement is based on national identity, opposed to a devolved body working to decentralise power and spread to local authorities. 

We are in the last few months of finding out whether Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom or separates; a separation that would be costly, aggressive and uncertain.  The stakes have never been higher and we who oppose separation have everything to lose, we have our country, identity and our currency all on the line- as well as much more.

 The nationalists however can win either way, they can still remain Scottish within the UK, and they can have an even larger platform to spread their nationalist-separatist agenda whichever way this referendum goes. After the referendum their platform which enables them to wage war on British unification and peace will inevitably gain more powers, with all three unionist parties agreeing to some new degree of autonomy.

New powers for the Scottish Parliament isn’t a bad thing- I agree that it needs more responsibility; it has to raise the money that it would like to spend. The blame game that the SNP continually put across has to stop, there can be no blaming Westminster when the Scottish Parliament is by large responsible for what it raises and spends in revenue.

All this talk of new powers does not address a fundamental flaw in the devolved settlement. The Scottish Parliament gaining more control over specific areas allows it to assert its influence more, and with a nationalist government this of course means that a very patriotic or nationalistic Scottish tune is implemented into new areas of Scottish executive control.

 This undermines the United Kingdom as a country, imagine a new Scottish customs and revenue, or the abandonment of British Transport Police- being phased out or replaced with something very Scottish- this in return over a long period of time will have Scots questioning the need for union- when the UK government has little or no importance to them in daily life.

The Answer is simple, we must not allow every ounce of power given to the Scottish Parliament to be ultimately centralised and painted with a nationalistic brush. The SNP government (if handed full control over welfare and benefits) would have every job centre in Scotland painted white and blue- with portraits of our dear leader Alex Salmond insight for all to see.  The evidence is already there, greener Scotland, healthier Scotland and all the other Scottish government nationalistic tainted programs for promoting Scotland as a nation, making sure we have the trademarks of separatism and nationalism in our faces at every opportunity.

There is a new consensus, in that the Scotland office should be given the ultimate responsibility over promoting Scotland within the UK all year round- yes it has being doing so at a satisfying rate since the start of the referendum; this shouldn’t end on the 19th of September.

The Scotland office should have a core responsibility of promoting Scotland as a major part of the United Kingdom, to not only counter a heavy Scottish nationalist government, but for the sake of the future of our country, so that there is always a presence of UK unity in Scotland, and why it is worth staying part of our United Kingdom.

The UK government should being doing much more in assuring that the Scottish government does not exploit powers for separatist means. Devolution can work for unionism, only if it works with unionism- this is what the UK government and unionist parties need to understand.

The proposals by Scottish Labour to weaken the centralised Scottish Parliament and devolve more powers locally to residents are a prime example of what devolution should be used for. Devolution shouldn’t be a tool for separatism, or to promote nationalism. It should be used to deliver powers from central government and for the established body in Scotland to then deliver the powers equally between local authorities.

What has happened with devolution in Scotland thus far has been a failure; Scotland does not have devolution in a real sense. It has a centralised Scottish Parliament with a thriving nationalistic identity, with a government that does not share powers, but retains them- and exploits powers to disunite Scotland from the UK.

If Scotland had devolution, then the emergency services, educational establishments and other controlled responsibilities would have stayed in constituent parts, and not grouped into larger bodies such as Police Scotland and the merging of Scotland’s colleges. These bodies in question have also been branded largely Scottish- there is a clear political motive in regards to these mergers, and the SNP should be held accountable for them.

The problem we have in Scotland is clear, in 1997 Scotland was mistakenly given a devolved settlement primarily based on identity, and not based on the idea of real devolution. Scotland was given a parliament to serve national identity; not to serve local people, education, health or emergency services, yes the Scottish Parliament has control over these matters- but that is the problem- the Scottish Parliament has and always could have too much control being centralised in Holyrood over the powers that it receives from an equally as large UK centralised parliament- meaning devolution never really happens.

Scots have effectively been given a new Parliament, which does not recognise itself as a devolved piece of legislation, but as a national parliament that serves the people of Scotland, and in that you will find it very difficult for this symbolic body to transfer powers further to local authorities, especially with a nationalist separatist government in power.

If anything this referendum will open up the new debate on devolution; not how we can just give the Scottish Parliament new powers, but how we can make the powers go further down the chain of hierarchy and work for Scotland locally, ensuring Scotland has a devolved settlement that works for everybody in Scotland and not just the minority of separatists. 

Wednesday 26 June 2013

How Globalisation means there is no "independence"

The SNP argue against the fundamental principles of Globalisation in the sense that Britain should not stay within a domestic globalised unit but Europe as the European Union should, resulting in absurd hypocrisy.  

Much has changed in the last year; I have been outraged with the incompetent Scottish executive and their leading agenda to end the current United Kingdom.

The SNP and their Yes campaign propose “independence” for Scotland, although when we think about independence we think about a country that stands on its own feet, a country that can work and act for its citizens on its own accord; the offer we have at the moment from the Scottish government is more “dependence” than “independence” and this is simply due to the globalised world we have created.

The idea that we can separate from the rest of the country and still share the many intstitutions that we have only have thanks to being part of our UK is absurd, the nationalists assume that we can take the good from what we have established as a United Kingdom and leave the so called “bad”, they are under the deep illusion that “independence” or maybe “dependence” will indeed solve all of our problems, but in reality it can’t.

Separatists are branding the “independence” idea as a solution to get away from the current coalition government, a government that whether we agree with it or not; is not an everlasting dictatorship, it can be altered and changed when the British people go to the polls in 2015. Separation on the other hand is a permanent change, if we vote to leave the UK then we have officially kick started the process of tearing up and dissolving all that has been established and created over the last 300 years or so.

This brings me to a point that I like to make, or more so the theories of globalisation, and how that has impacted the world and those who support the idea of collectivism rather than separatism.

Believe it or not there has been three stages to globalisation, first occurring in 1492 when Columbus founded the Americas (Globalisation 1.0) , thus starting the rush to imperialism and the start of colonisation by the European powers, this turned the thinking and agenda of  European Kingdoms from focusing on little domestic domination to international domination- the fight of gaining world control began, empires were on the rise and in all- the start of the globalised world exploded and has evolved since then.

In this Britain was awakened to a new reality, the reality that our differences on this little island should be put to bed, and together we should step up and face this new rush together as a united Kingdom- and in 1603 and 1707 that is exactly what happened- two former foes joined together and created a single unified sovereign state- a state that went on to create the largest formal empire that the world had ever known. As such, its power and influence stretched all over the globe; shaping it in all manner of ways.

The next step in creating the world we are in today was the industrial revolution, and the technological advances (Globalisation 2.0), this starting in the 1800’s, the main difference between 1.0 and 2.0, is the fact that prior it was countries that became multinational in force, the era of the industrial revolution had seen companies become multinational, thus creating a world that became  more connected , a world that yes still held the bearings of war and bloodshed, but still for the first time in our history had a clear agenda of creating a global economic market and the makings of a global telecommunications structure.

Within this European states grew their sense of identity, the need for a strong united identity in Britain was  there, and the former regional identities that once caused so much war and anguish was diminishing, for once in Britain’s history there was peace domestically, our people were united for the greater good- so in this sense the rise of the British identity created a belonging of unity for each other , and in my view the slow decline of the English and Scottish identities due to the rise of globalisation created the most peaceful time in our Islands history as a governing island of people.

Although now in the 21st century our economic output is not as strong, the world has been graced with another economic downturn, it is now in this era that we have seen the rise of separatism, is this due to racism and hatred, partly, but I believe that it is a naive natural step within our history to revert backwards, the need for unity to many has faded with the once powerful empire, and the once unified British identity seems now irrelevant to many , so the idea that has now dominated our  island is separation, to pull away from what we have established and revert back to a time when this Island was an infant.

Many have said within the independence debate that we should not use history, but when we look at history we see that the true destiny of our island over the past 400 years has been unity, the Great British parliament that was established 300 years ago has a direct duty to uphold that unity, it serves the British people, and should serve our unified identity equally, if it fails in this then it will fail the country that has been established.

We are now at the stage in our history where the world is minuscule in size, this is due to (Globalisation 3.0) with the advent of the internet and the openness that has spread not only within Europe but around the world.

If we take what happened during Globalisation 1.0, when the Kingdoms of Europe united within themselves, such as the strong sense of identity within each nation state and the strong advent of the British identity away from the separate regional identities that once reigned the island, it took this new era of Empire to unite Britain and other states across Europe.

 What we see now though is not each Kingdom uniting in the way we had seen 400 years ago, but we see that Europe as a continent has united and is still trying to unite in the next step of globalisation, whether people agree with it or not, is it happening.

This showing that the UK was the first state on the planet to successfully unite into a single entity, not in a global sense but in a domestic sense, which is why the structure of our current United Kingdom is looked upon as a model of the future, and what can be achieved when former countries do unite, our small structure of globalisation within our small island has shown  that coming together is better, our island is the model of the future not the past, and that is what the people that do seek to destroy our United Kingdom need to realise.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Scottish 'independence' defence, a state of emergency

Defence, a state of emergency

I have been looking into the defence of a separate Scottish state and comparing it with our current British wide defence spending and equipment that our British armed forces currently have to their disposal. I also looked into the secret intelligence services, special counter terrorism units, shipbuilding contracts and everything connected with the armed forces, as there is no doubt about it defence will play a very important role in the current and upcoming debate on Scotland’s constitutional future.

The first thing that I feel needs our urgent attention is not the shipbuilding contracts that Scotland currently has thanks to the Royal Navy, nor the number of men and women that would actually join a Scottish defence force, but the main threat that we face as a western nation in or out of the United Kingdom is “terrorism” and other internal threats from extremists.

I think the debate about defence is actually going in the completely wrong direction; it is not about how many warships Scotland would get to build as part of the UK, or without the UK, the main issue with defence is our national security, would separating Scotland from the United Kingdom harm our national security? That to me is the most fundamental issue that should be put to the separatist politicians that seek to end the 300 year old union.

 If of course the separatists did succeed in ending the union that would mean an end to Scotland having the advantage of UK wide Secret Intelligence Services, known as Mi6 and Mi5, which would put Scots national security at risk.

The number one risk to our wellbeing just now is “terrorism”, since 2001 it has been the main fear within western societies that Al Qaeda successfully stage similar attacks around western countries as they did in 2001, and they have, here in Britain we have faced 2 major attacks and countless plots to try and kill our citizens. What we have to think about is “who are the people that uncover these plots?”, and yes who are they? Well they are the men and women that work within Mi5, Mi5 is the intelligence branch that works with internal threats from extremists within our own country, they have uncovered hundreds of plots from around Britain from terrorists that wish to cause havoc on our nation.

The separatists have to realise that Scotland is not invincible, the world is not a friendly place, and we know that from countless terrorist attacks across the globe. The Scottish Nationalists seem to think that the world would somehow welcome Scotland with open arms, that the Scottish nation would face no threats as nothing would dare to harm the new sovereign state, well actually I would think a newly established state would be  very vulnerable , vulnerable to the likes of Al Qaeda.

A newly established state with no real defence plans, with no counter terrorism units, with no guarantee of a service which would prevent internal attacks would surely be the most vulnerable country in the western world? Scotland could well be a target in waiting, and why wouldn’t it be? 

These people that wish death upon the western nations would stop at nothing to show the world that they mean business, these people are not stupid, in 2001 they sussed out that the US and the west had a lack of security right across the aviation world, terrorists seed out weak security links that they can use to their advantage with devastating consequences, so how hard would it be for Al Qaeda to suss out weak links within Scotland, would it be that difficult, a country with no solid counter terrorism units, with no real intelligence services? 

The Scottish Nationalists are also in two minds about joining NATO, now the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organisation is a military alliance that came about from the cold war to prevent the expansion of the USSR, but it has grown to be much more, NATO is now a critical part of our defence, each country in NATO can freely share intelligence information. Sharing information between all 28 nations freely is one of the main reasons why Mi5 and Mi6 have prevented and uncovered so many terrorist plots that could have resulted in hundreds of deaths upon our streets.

So why would a separate Scottish state seek to end this relationship with these other nations, surely a newly sovereign state with no real intelligence services, and no real counter terrorism units would jump at the chance to join a military alliance that would be vital to Scots national security, but no. The nationalists would prefer to be isolated, isolated in their own Scottish bubble; a bubble that they seem to think cannot burst.

So the bigger picture here is not about how many warships a separate Scotland could build without the Royal Navy (which would be few or zero) but it is about our national security, would an independent Scotland provide your family with similar services such as Mi5 and Mi6? How long would it take a newly sovereign state to establish these vital services that are critical to our wellbeing? These are just some of the many questions that need to be answered about our defence, they are certainly questions that have to be answered before any Scots marks a “yes or no” on the ballot box.

I would rather live in a country that has well known and truly remarkable intelligence services such as Mi5 and Mi6 than live in a separate Scottish state that has no credible defence plans, that does not want to play a role in a key international military alliance (NATO) than face the consequences of a extremist attack due to the lack of security thanks to the Scottish separatists and their weak defence plans for a isolated Scotland.

I think it is just as important that we remember those people that fought and died for our security, that is why I would like to end this blog by paying respects to all British D-day Veterans of world war 2, I thank you for your service, and thank you for fighting to retain the country I love, “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. 

Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fall, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. 

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, “
This was their finest hour!”

- Sir Winston Churchill 

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Alex Salmond and his illusion of a Scottish Monarch

It may not surprise you that Alex Salmond has once again endorsed the Queen, as recently as today he said "our (the Scottish people) affection for Elizabeth, Queen of Scots, is nonetheless very powerful and very strong". This is true that our affection for the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is very strong, Queen Elizabeth II has reigned over us for more than 60 years, what a pleasure to have such a wonderful monarch.

Although, if you had not noticed, and trust me, many more people would have not noticed, is that his language when talking about our British monarch is non-factual and incorrect. He portrays the Queen as the "Queen of Scots", there has not been a separate Scottish monarch or English monarch since 1603 (union of crowns), prior to 1603 both Scottish and English thrones were separate but for the past 400 years, following the Accession of King James IV of Scotland (I of England) to the English throne, a single monarch has reigned in the United Kingdom.

So why does Alex Salmond portray something that does not exist? It is simple, it does not take a genius to understand what exactly Alex Salmond would like to achieve by misleading the Scottish people, he would like to create an illusion ( yes another one), that there is no British monarch, that there is nothing "British" about our monarchy, he is trying to advertise the monarchy to the Scottish people in a different way, in a way that would only be possible if Scotland was a separate state from the United Kingdom.

His illusion starts with Her Majesty's title, our Queen has a very long title, her official title that is used right across the United Kingdom (that includes Scotland) is "Elizabeth the second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" , yes that is very long title, so to cut it down, we can say either Queen of the United Kingdom, or Queen of the UK. Remember she is a British monarch, she is not a Scottish monarch and she is not an English monarch, she is not the "Queen of England".

The point that I make is that there is no such thing as the "Queen of Scots", this is a false title, it is made up by the SNP (Alex Salmond in particular) to create an illusion that the Queen of the UK is the head of state of a separate sovereign Scotland, which would only be possible if Scotland separated from the United Kingdom. The SNP want to change my view, and your view of the Queen in Scotland, they are trying desperately to portray her as a Scottish head of state, a Scottish head of state in an independent Scotland, the same way in which the Queen is head of state of Australia or Canada.

The SNP realise that right now the monarchy in the United Kingdom is a British institution, it is an institution that promotes everything British, the Scottish separatists are trying to play that down as much as they can, they are trying to get Scots in the mindset that she can be a Scottish head of state, and that we (the Scots) don't have to wave around the union flag, but we can wave the Rampant Lion around instead.

The nationalists are sneakily trying to create an illusion that we can keep the Queen as head of state, but at the same time promoting her as not a "British" head of state but rather a Scottish head of state, they do this while Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, they do this knowing that she is a British monarch. The SNP have to remember that Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, under a constitutional monarchy, with the British monarch as the head of state of the entire United Kingdom.

She is not the Queen of Scots or the Queen of England, she is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If the nationalists do not believe me, why don't they read below what the Queen said in 1977 speaking at her silver jubilee:

"I number Kings and Queens of England and of Scotland, and princes Wales among my ancestors and so I can readily understand these aspirations.

But I cannot forget that I was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."  (video)

- Queen Elizabeth II